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  • 中山XR8440 (DC-DC降压IC)

中山XR8440 (DC-DC降压IC)



产品封装: SOT23-6

产品特性:工作电流:1A ;输入电压:4.7-40V




  The XR8440 is a current mode monolithic buck switching regulator.Operating with an input range of 4.7~40V,the XR8440 delivers 1A of continuous output current with two integrated N-Channel MOSFETS. The internal synchronous power switches provide high efficiency without the useofan external Schottky diode. XR8440 also employs a proprietary control scheme that switches the device into a power save mode during light load, thereby extending the range of high efficiency operation. An OVP function protects the IC itself and Thermal shutdown provides reliable,fault-tolerant operation. With this OVP function, the IC can stand off input voltage as 42V, making it an ideal solution for industrial applications such as smart meters as well as automotive applications.A 3uA shutdown mode quiescent current allows use in a battery-powered applications.

?Wide Input Operating Range from 4.7V to 40V
Capable of Delivering1A
No External Compensation Needed
CurrentMode control
Up to 93% efficiency
Internet Soft-Start
700KHz switching frequency
hortcircuit protection
uAlow shutdown supply current
table with ceramic output capacitors
Thermal protection and UVLO
Availablein SOT23-6 package
相关标签:DC-DC降压IC,XR8440 (DC-DC降压IC),
时间:2021-09-08 14:29:48

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